Phone : +249155901566
Opening : 08 AM-09 PM

About zoneProject location

The strategic geographical location of the state, which enables it to provide integrated port services for the movement of local trade, as well as the non-riparian neighboring countries (closed countries). Ethiopia - South Sudan - Central Africa - Chad. Take advantage of the units located in the dry port of Kosti and the river port. Provides a network of different roads, infrastructure and basic services. Availability of natural resources (agriculture - livestock - fisheries) in the neighboring states and the presence of industrial weight and national industries in the state, where a number of manufacturing industries are concentrated (textiles - sugar oils) Existence of Kenana Airport, which represents an air gateway for transporting agricultural, animal and commercial export products from the Kosti free zone.

Free zone servicesSuggested developmental thinking methodology:

Activate the movement of imports and exports with accelerated steps through quick implementation projects with high returns.

Working in parallel to implement the integration of the transport system, revitalizing the air route of Kenana Airport, and integrating with sea, river, land and rail transport.

Implementation of projects to transform raw materials into products of qualitative financial and competitive value.

Free Zone Services
  • Storage containers for covered and uncovered goods
  • Free zone factory products
  • Transit and re-export services
  • Clearance services, insurance, deportation and handling of goods and products.

Since the success of any free zone depends on the availability of infrastructure and basic services, the most important of these services are:

Where is located?Project site

Al-Thunil Al-Abyad State is considered one of the states that has a significant role in the development of the national economy, as it is characterized by several investment advantages represented in its geographical location in the middle between the states of Sudan, and it is linked with a number of land, river and air transportation routes, in addition to the availability of infrastructure, basic services, and natural and material resources.